At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

You're how old?

Day 21:

Mr PE and I met about a year ago at the Annual Nelson Mandela lecture.  Professor Muhammad Yunus was the guest speaker.  I've been to 6 of these lectures now, and his was, by far, the best.  I was there with my ex and Mr PE was there alone.  My ex is nearly 15 years older than me and we dated for quite a few years.  Last year he left me alone at the buffet table while he schmoozed with the pseudo-sophisticated, Armani-clad, BEE-card toting types there.

Mr PE kept me company till the ex came back.  I really like Mr PE - he made several "casual" trips to the dessert table for me, so that it didn't look like I had eaten 18 mini eclairs.  We have been friends ever since, and I try to meet him for dinner/drinks whenever he is in Joburg.  We're going out to dinner on Tuesday night - will update the blog then.

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