At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lessons in the art of dating (1): Dont run in front of moving cars

Day 17

Right-hand-side colleague (she sits to the immediate right of me) invited me to her birthday party over the weekend.  I put on three-quarter jeans, grey suede stilettos and a metallic leather jacket and drove the 50km to Pretoria.

Pass the prison, watch out for the speed cameras and swing a right into Roussouw.  These were the directions I was given.

I had a great evening, met wonderful new people (even arranged to meet a few of the girls again) and had some good food at a little restaurant called Tutti's.  I did notice a certain guy at the party but didn't speak to him an aside, its very difficult to interact with someone who sits in the middle of a long table - corner seats are better for socialising.

I left around 11pm - the party continued - but I didn't want to make the long drive back too late.  As I was driving out, guy-from-the-party-who-I-didn't-speak-to (to be known as GFTPWIDST from here on) ran in front of my car.  Now let me remind you, I live in Gauteng, the crime capital of the world.  If a guy runs in front of my car, the knee-jerk reaction would be to run him over..he's most likely a hi-jacker.

Luckily I recognised him as GFTPWIDST..we chatted a bit at the car.  He asked if I would want to meet for drinks.  I told him to get my contact details from right-hand-side-colleague.  He said that he didn't really know her, and sort of crashed the party.  Hmmm..does that sound dodgy to you?

Turns out GFTPWIDST works at the company I previously worked for, so I thought that gave him some credibility.  I gave him my cell number, and drove off - past the prison, past the speed cameras and onto the N1.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely should get points for attempted suicide by "road kill"
    That would make a new entry into Densa.

    Looking forward to an update^^
