At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dont go out of your weight to please anyone!

Day 9:  Drinks date

Reserve Bank and I have long convoluted conversations about life, love and everything else...(and yes, the answer is 42) its always enjoyable meeting with him for drinks.  We made plans to meet at Beach Blanket Bohemia in Sunninghill.  Reserve Bank is very - not so.  If I stand really close to him, I can easily be mistaken for his tattoo.

Reserve bank and I met a few years ago through a mutual friend.  He's 34, extremely intelligent, but super-modest about his achievements..that's why I like him.  I know he's smart, successful and accomplished, but he doesn't tell me he is.  He, a few years ago, won the Governor's Award for improving banking standards..I only heard about it years later, through another friend.

Reserve Bank told me that he got called in by one of his senior managers, because of complaints from some of the "other" ladies at the office saying that he doesn't speak to them with quite the same sparkle that he has when he speaks to the more attractive ladies.  I know Reserve Bank, and hes not like this.  Anyway to make up for his apparent double standards he bought one of the "other" ladies a muffin.  Now, he has to attend counselling for discrimination..she complained that he suggested she was fat.

We drank to his sorrows, and wished for a world filled only with people that resembled the ones from the opening credits of Baywatch.

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