At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stomach in, Chest out!

This morning, before I left for work, I spent over 20min bustling my two, slightly fattish, medium sized dogs into the back of the Doggy Parlour van.  This is always a traumatic process, usually involving me and the driver running around the garden after them, trying to lure them into the van with promises of "Beeno, dunked in gravy" biscuits.  I'm convinced they've come up with a divide-and-conquer strategy against the two of us.  The thing you need to know about my dogs is that they're more ornamental (although complete mix-breeds) than "security" dogs.  However, they are fiercely protective over me, and I over them.

Once a month they go to Lords and Ladies for their "blow-waves" - I highly recommend them.  Maria and Allison, not only do a great job but they really love animals.

At 4.30pm when I called to check if they were home, Maria said, they were about to leave with the last load of drop-offs.  To stave off the pangs of guilt I felt about them spending the whole day there, I decided to pick them up instead of them having to endure the long trip home in the van.

Now last night, an error message came up on my car saying "dipped left beam".  So there I was driving down Louis Botha at 6pm with one light, two restless dogs and a haze of freshly cut dog-hair flying around the car.  Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I got pulled over by the police..

I think I got stopped because of the light - but never found out.  Policewoman started with the usual, "Can I see you drivers licence?"  As I reached for my wallet, Policewoman let out a bloodcurdling shriek, followed by "HAAIBO!" before she ran screaming back to her van.  I figure my girl, a pitch-black dog with reddish eyes, against black leather seats, snuck up on her as she looked through the back window.

I got out and started walking towards Policewoman, which only caused furious gesticulations and heavy screams of "GO GO!!" as she waved me away...and that was it!  I drove home, hungry, tired and covered in dog hair.

On a more positive note, thank you for all the wonderful emails I have received - especially the ladies for the recommendations of your single guy friends.  I will send a personal response to every mail.  The blog received over 200 hits today..I'm surprised that there are so many literate people in Joburg ;)

Thanks again

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