At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Eying the Eye-Doctor

Day 23:

Boss-lady said to me, today, that we spend so much time, and do so much research when choosing a house or a car or which university to attend - how come people aren't that fussy and are prepared to settle when it comes to their partners?  Now you might think that boss-lady is a bit airy-fairy from my last post about her, but shes one of the smartest, most practical people I know.  At 34 shes an accomplished actuary, businesswoman and one of my closest friends.

With those inspiring thoughts I decided to be a bit pro-active about my approach.  For the past month, all Ive done is accept invitations - perhaps I should do the inviting?

There's this guy I really like- I mean really really like.  I'd be happy to add him on as a spouse on my Discovery medical aid, and run the risk of losing my newly-achieved Diamond status, which took me three years to get to! (thats how much I like him)

We've been friends for about 7 years now and met when we were both at university, ..we also went out on a few dates years ago.

After doing some light stalking of his Facebook profile-and discovering that he's single-I've decided to "casually" pop by for a visit.  Both of us own apartments in the same complex, I don't live there but Ive recently been doing some renovations there.

He's got everything I'm looking for, cant think of anything more that I'd want..- has a JAY OH BEE, loves travelling, and our dogs have the same name (coincidentally).  What more could I ask for?...he's also wickedly funny, attractive, modest, kind, smart and we are good friends. (but that's secondary to the dogs bit)

Boss lady and and right-hand-side colleague say I should grow some balls and just ambush one of the nights this week I'm gonna jump out of the bushes when he's driving back from work lol :)

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