At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Writing about the writer

Day 28:

Met with a columnist from the Sunday Times for a coffee.  He earlier had sent me an email saying, "why, oh why, would an attractive 27 year-old woman advertise her desperation for all to see on the Internet?"  The word "desperation" came up a few times in his email.  I met with him, partly because I was annoyed that a columnist in South Africa was not encouraging my literary creativity -( something I think, is sorely lacking among the younger generation ), and partly because I wanted to put a face to the name - he writes a funny, somewhat arb column.

Ive been reading his column religiously and had come up with my own impression of what he looks like...40ish, chubby and jovial.  Not!

Turns out Columnist is a broody, 31yr old.  Johnny Depp looking, Joshua Jackson personality, eyes the colour of the waters off the Seychelles coast..or blue like a blue ipod (if you've never seen the waters off the Seychelles coast) He had this deep, dark look about him, like the inside of a coal miners lungs.  

His views on dating, marriage and life are revolutionary.  He doesn't believe in the concept of having just one love in your lifetime - you can have a few of the same time even..hmmm, I'm trying to find a corner in my mind to stuff that thought - but I just watched Avatar, so the confusion index is already too high to process any other non-conventional ideas.

As a last word,  I was finally able to free girl-dog's head from the trellidor. (not without taking a few cute photos though)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

35 years later!

Day:  26

Today is my parent's 35th wedding anniversary.  I asked my dad what the best part of the last 35 years was - he said, "Babe, having you girls, of course" - My parents call both myself and my sister "babe" or "doll".  I think they've forgotten our names.  I figure, having a poor memory, is paramount to having a successful marriage.

Friday, September 3, 2010

He's just Peachey

Day 24:

My friend Peachman lives in the UK.  His surname sounds like "peach", so it was either that I called him Peachman or Fruit-fly.  I gave him the choice.

I met Peachman through my ex 6 years ago.  He is exactly 10years and 1 month older than me.  He was down in Joburg this week so we met for dinner at 8@the Towers on Maude Road.  We both had some excellent sushi.  Dessert was disappointing - the chocolate fondant was burnt.

Peachman is single, never been married, no kids and is a serial dater, looking for "The One" - I see him as my male counterpart.  He recently moved to the UK, so I don't get to see him very often.  I'm very comfortable around him and conversation flows easily between us.  Over the years I've watched a Pied-Piper-like trail of women follow him around.  4 hours into dinner, I couldn't help but notice my strong attraction to him.  This comes as a great relief seeing that I have felt NO attraction to any guy Ive met in the last 2 months!

I'm in London in a few weeks and promised to contact him when I'm there.

Walking back to the car after midnight, we were approached by a crippled guy - I thought he was faking it - begging.  He looked quite dodgy, Peachman seems unconcerned, but I felt much better once we reached the car - I didn't want to be stabbed by a faux invalid in the Sandton back alleys.

Eying the Eye-Doctor

Day 23:

Boss-lady said to me, today, that we spend so much time, and do so much research when choosing a house or a car or which university to attend - how come people aren't that fussy and are prepared to settle when it comes to their partners?  Now you might think that boss-lady is a bit airy-fairy from my last post about her, but shes one of the smartest, most practical people I know.  At 34 shes an accomplished actuary, businesswoman and one of my closest friends.

With those inspiring thoughts I decided to be a bit pro-active about my approach.  For the past month, all Ive done is accept invitations - perhaps I should do the inviting?

There's this guy I really like- I mean really really like.  I'd be happy to add him on as a spouse on my Discovery medical aid, and run the risk of losing my newly-achieved Diamond status, which took me three years to get to! (thats how much I like him)

We've been friends for about 7 years now and met when we were both at university, ..we also went out on a few dates years ago.

After doing some light stalking of his Facebook profile-and discovering that he's single-I've decided to "casually" pop by for a visit.  Both of us own apartments in the same complex, I don't live there but Ive recently been doing some renovations there.

He's got everything I'm looking for, cant think of anything more that I'd want..- has a JAY OH BEE, loves travelling, and our dogs have the same name (coincidentally).  What more could I ask for?...he's also wickedly funny, attractive, modest, kind, smart and we are good friends. (but that's secondary to the dogs bit)

Boss lady and and right-hand-side colleague say I should grow some balls and just ambush one of the nights this week I'm gonna jump out of the bushes when he's driving back from work lol :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mr Lip-Ice

Day 22:

Last night I went to Pigalle in Sandton Square with Mr PE - (to be re-christened "Mr Lip-Ice").  This is the first time we met as both singles.  Dinner was weird - his conversation seemed too rehearsed.  He kept applying and re-applying his Lip-Ice.  This aggravated me to no end.  Anyway the long and short of it was that I had a balsamic fillet and a creme brulee.  He had lip-ice, a greek salad, lip-ice, chicken-something, lip-ice, chocolate mousse cake, lip-ice..(you get the picture). The one really nice thing, though, was that he remembered exactly what I was wearing the first time we met.

I went back to my car to find the driver's door scratched.  Obviously some idiot hit it while getting into or out of the bay next to me. No note was left - I would have left a note - its the right thing to do, right?

Anyway, Mr Lip-Ice wants to stay an extra day in Joburg to go out to the movies. I would have gone with but I have to wash my hair tonight.