At 27, I still havent found Mr Right. So here's the challenge - 365 dates, in the shortest possible time! This is my collection of my funny, weird and hopefully fruitful attempts at “finding Mr Right”..

Location: My city - Johannesburg- multicultural, diverse, exciting..he must be somewhere here right?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Writing about the writer

Day 28:

Met with a columnist from the Sunday Times for a coffee.  He earlier had sent me an email saying, "why, oh why, would an attractive 27 year-old woman advertise her desperation for all to see on the Internet?"  The word "desperation" came up a few times in his email.  I met with him, partly because I was annoyed that a columnist in South Africa was not encouraging my literary creativity -( something I think, is sorely lacking among the younger generation ), and partly because I wanted to put a face to the name - he writes a funny, somewhat arb column.

Ive been reading his column religiously and had come up with my own impression of what he looks like...40ish, chubby and jovial.  Not!

Turns out Columnist is a broody, 31yr old.  Johnny Depp looking, Joshua Jackson personality, eyes the colour of the waters off the Seychelles coast..or blue like a blue ipod (if you've never seen the waters off the Seychelles coast) He had this deep, dark look about him, like the inside of a coal miners lungs.  

His views on dating, marriage and life are revolutionary.  He doesn't believe in the concept of having just one love in your lifetime - you can have a few of the same time even..hmmm, I'm trying to find a corner in my mind to stuff that thought - but I just watched Avatar, so the confusion index is already too high to process any other non-conventional ideas.

As a last word,  I was finally able to free girl-dog's head from the trellidor. (not without taking a few cute photos though)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

35 years later!

Day:  26

Today is my parent's 35th wedding anniversary.  I asked my dad what the best part of the last 35 years was - he said, "Babe, having you girls, of course" - My parents call both myself and my sister "babe" or "doll".  I think they've forgotten our names.  I figure, having a poor memory, is paramount to having a successful marriage.

Friday, September 3, 2010

He's just Peachey

Day 24:

My friend Peachman lives in the UK.  His surname sounds like "peach", so it was either that I called him Peachman or Fruit-fly.  I gave him the choice.

I met Peachman through my ex 6 years ago.  He is exactly 10years and 1 month older than me.  He was down in Joburg this week so we met for dinner at 8@the Towers on Maude Road.  We both had some excellent sushi.  Dessert was disappointing - the chocolate fondant was burnt.

Peachman is single, never been married, no kids and is a serial dater, looking for "The One" - I see him as my male counterpart.  He recently moved to the UK, so I don't get to see him very often.  I'm very comfortable around him and conversation flows easily between us.  Over the years I've watched a Pied-Piper-like trail of women follow him around.  4 hours into dinner, I couldn't help but notice my strong attraction to him.  This comes as a great relief seeing that I have felt NO attraction to any guy Ive met in the last 2 months!

I'm in London in a few weeks and promised to contact him when I'm there.

Walking back to the car after midnight, we were approached by a crippled guy - I thought he was faking it - begging.  He looked quite dodgy, Peachman seems unconcerned, but I felt much better once we reached the car - I didn't want to be stabbed by a faux invalid in the Sandton back alleys.